Visualise it, create it, SEND-it 

Gone are the days when sending a text message with your promo was enough to entice and intrigue your customer. We’re in a visual age where imagery and videos dominate the media landscape. SEND-it™ combines the creativity and enticement of visual and auditory media with the simplicity of an SMS or WhatsApp.

What can you do with SEND-it  ?

SEND-it™ is super versatile, which means that you can send any type of content using it - but here are some examples to illustrate our point:

  • Send a seasonal menu out where customers can order with the click of a button.
  • Promotional materials: alert your customers/clients about the latest product launches.
  • Invitations: send out an invitation complete with an RSVP that people can fill out on their phone and send back within minutes.

How does the process work?

1. VISUALISE it: What would you like your SEND-it™ to do? How many
people are you looking to reach? What is your objective?

2. CREATE it: Our team of creative experts sets the design
process in motion around your needs and direction.

3. SEND it: We send you the link which you then forward to all your clients /
customers /employees via a mobile channel of your choice.

4. REVIEW it: We can enable tracking and google analytics to give you
valuable feedback on what your customers gravitate towards.